Water System Disinfection

Meel group Building services

Water system disinfection and compliance

We carry out extensive disinfections to new and existing water systems and new private supplies of mains water.

All disinfections are completed to the local water authority building standard BS8558. Disinfection (often referred to as chlorination) is carried out by our trained and experienced team of operatives.

legionella hotel control cheshire
Disinfection of your water system
  • Water storage tanks
  • System pipework, thermally and chlorination disinfection
  • Shower head cleaning & descaling
  • Water supply pipework to BS8558 (previously BS6700)
deadleg removal water system
We also provide
  • Legionella sampling
  • Dead-leg removal
  • Hot & cold water temperature monitoring
  • Calorifier inspections
  • Legionella compliance upgrades

Approved installer

Our plumbing engineers are approved by the official bodies governing our industry.

  • Trisel
  • WIA 
  • Watersafe


Sampling, disinfection and compliance

Legionella is a type of bacteria commonly found in water. It occurs in low numbers in natural water sources such as rivers and lakes. However, they can also be found in purpose-built water systems such as evaporative condensers, hot and cold water systems, cooling towers and spa facilities. We service clients' Legionella compliance across Cheshire, Manchester, North Staffordshire and West Derbyshire.

Legionella risks and requirements

The inhaling of infected water droplets results in Legionnaires’ disease – a serious condition that causes breathing difficulties and chest pain.

It is essential that owners of new buildings are aware of Legionella when pre-commissioning new water systems and that they adhere to the legal requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 1.

Legionella Sampling Water near me
Legionella sampling

Legionella sampling is essential to ensure healthy water systems, and the implementation of an accurate, pre-planned maintenance (PPM’s) system is vital. This may involve precise temperature monitoring of the water.

Legionella compliance cheshire
Legionella disinfection

At Meel Group, we are fully equipped to advise and carry out the Legionella assessment, the disinfection of water systems and the continual sample monitoring for your business.

Based in Macclesfield, our Meel Group Building Services engineers are experts in the Chlorination or Disinfection of new and existing water systems throughout Cheshire, Manchester, Stockport and the Northwest region.

Legal compliance

Water system safety

Get in touch to book a call with our expert system disinfection experts.